If COVID times did not make it clear, the last few years have consolidated the importance of mental health and…

The 8 biggest pain points for HR when building a mental well being culture 

The 8 biggest pain points for HR when building a mental well being culture 

Want to make your company THE place to work at? All you gotta do is CARE.  Easier said than done. The importance…

Building a Performing Mental Wellbeing Culture: A Strategic Guide for HR Leaders

Building a Performing Mental Wellbeing Culture: A Strategic Guide for HR Leaders

Companies that prioritize employee mental wellbeing within their top five business goals consistently rank among the highest performers.  Indeed, Reports from…

5 Ways to Ensure Psychological Safety for Employees

5 Ways to Ensure Psychological Safety for Employees

Psychological safety is extremely important because it contributes to employee learning, innovation, and overall satisfaction.     Studies have shown that quality…

Progressive Leadership: Cultivating Inspiration and Encouragement in the Workplace

Progressive Leadership: Cultivating Inspiration and Encouragement in the Workplace

Siffi’s Therapists have observed that the work environment and the style of interdepartmental communication strongly impact mental. The role of leadership…

Supporting Employee Mental Health in a Virtual Environment

Supporting Employee Mental Health in a Virtual Environment

The rise of remote work has brought numerous new challenges, particularly concerningemployees’ mental health. Isolation can create a sense of disconnection…

Workplace Mental Health Risk Assessment Template

Workplace Mental Health Risk Assessment Template

In many countries, depending on the size of your company, it is often mandatory to have a risk assessment protocol…

Workplace mental health best practices

Workplace mental health best practices

BEST PRACTICES FOR EMPLOYEES  Improving our mental health does not always mean seeing a therapist (even though it’s a great…

Workplace mental health first aid

Workplace mental health first aid

First aid is most often heard in the context of medical attention: the support administered right after an injury, on…

Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic?

Don’t You Know That You’re Toxic?

Toxicity is one of the 4 Workplace’s sins according to Adam Grant. He defines it as a company that chooses to…

The Power of Quiet Leadership

The Power of Quiet Leadership

Despite what we’ve seen in movies and literature in the 1990s and early 2000s, One does not need to be…

Workplace mental health training for managers

Workplace mental health training for managers

On paper or in reality, well-being and mental health are becoming priorities for many companies nowadays. But when it comes to…

6 employee mental health statistics that will make you take mental health seriously

6 employee mental health statistics that will make you take mental health seriously

Passion might be what starts a lot of companies. ROI and KPIs are what drives them.  We get it.  Especially…



The following might sound overdramatic, but it is based on the real case:It is Dec 5th, 2023. You are trying…

4 tips for employees to reduce Stress and anxiety in the workplace

4 tips for employees to reduce Stress and anxiety in the workplace

Humans are designed quite efficiently. Few functions or features are superfluous. Even stress is an emotion that serves a purpose:…

The many perks of mental health days

The many perks of mental health days

Sometimes all we need is a break, but the weekend seems so far out of reach.And yet all we can…

Can an employer terminate an employee for mental health issues?

Can an employer terminate an employee for mental health issues?

The answer is yes. But it comes with a lot of safeguarding regulations against abusive dismissal and discrimination. As always, when…

6 Fundamentals Employers Can Do for Mental Health

6 Fundamentals Employers Can Do for Mental Health

In 2023, it is reasonable to expect every company to have mental health and well-being on its agenda. Yet, many…

How to improve employee mental health?

How to improve employee mental health?

As an employer in 2023, assuming your employee’s mental health is not your responsibility is very 2019(*).With COVID, the great…

Are Employers Responsible for Employees’ Mental Health?

Are Employers Responsible for Employees’ Mental Health?

What do we mean by employees’ mental health?    Understanding mental health and wellbeing in the workplace  There are a…

What to do when an employee has mental health issues?

What to do when an employee has mental health issues?

Mental health issues are experienced by many of us throughout our lives, and they will most likely impact us both…

The 4 Deadly sins of work culture

The 4 Deadly sins of work culture

In a podcast from June 2022, Adam Grant, American author and professor of organizational psychology explains the 4 deadly sins of…

Building a Mental Well-being Company Culture

Building a Mental Well-being Company Culture

If there is one thing to keep in mind it is that a company always has a culture. Whether it…

Barriers to accessing mental health support

Barriers to accessing mental health support

In a 2019 article titled “Mental illnesses are Common, but Care is Lacking” published in Harvard Medical School, author Lauren…